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2022 Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous Registration Opens

Rendezvous enthusiasts in the west can rejoice! Registration has opened for one of the largest rendezvous west of the Mississippi. You can download this image, print it out and send it in to register.

The 2022 Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous will be held in Riverton, Wyoming from July 7-15, 2022.

The 2022 Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous will be hosted in Riverton, Wyoming, at the 1838 Rendezvous site, where the 1838 Rendezvous and the 2021 Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous were held.

Period dress is required for this event, much like other rendezvous across the country. Those without period dress can find affordable options online or at other rendezvous or market fairs happening between now and the event, scheduled for July 7-15.

For more information you can visit the Rocky Mountain Rendezvous Facebook page, or the RMNR.org