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Turkey Hunt 2024 | Traditional 18th Century Flintlock Turkey Hunt

Today I'm setting out for another spring turkey season. It's a much calmer hunt this year than last year. The birds seem fewer, and the weather has been strange as mother nature wakes for another year. Follow along as I trek, hunt, and trail my favorite game.

I have to admit, I’ve got turkey fever. There’s something about turkey hunting that appeals to me, so for the spring 2024 season, I decided to go all in. Our season in Indiana runs for a few weeks, having just lost my job as the company dissolved in a turbulent economy, I set out to be in the woods as much as possible.

I knew that I had a limited amount of time before the pressure from the local Hunters would begin to affect the population so I set out in the early days of the Season trying to make the most of them the intersection of two wide Trails makes for easy passage for game large and small this is where I would set out in the early days of the season.

In 2023 it seemed like we had an unlimited turkey Supply in my area driving to and from work I would frequently see as many as 40 birds out in a field as the season approached I would see half a dozen Toms strutting for the same set of hand but in 2024 the turkeys seem to be like ghosts I had seen one strutting Tom before the season on my range behind my house and since then nothing.

As turkey blinds began to pop up in the fields surrounding our Woods I decided to back off give the birds a break I would return during the week when the neighbors blinds were ,empty I shifted focus away from the center of the tree planting trying to get off the beaten path and show up somewhere where the birds might not expect me I used a mix of modern and traditional camouflage hiding behind Fallen trees large Rambles and camouflage hunting Nets comically enough during turkey season deer were plentiful and I took pride with the fact that with wind at my side I had several deer come within 10 yards of my position turkey though were always Out Of

In the end my 2024 turkey hunting season ended with less of a bang than 2023 while I didn't have any embarrassing failures to fire, once again I'm leaving the woods without a feathered prize and while I still dream of taking a big Tom with my flint lock time spent in the woods is never a waste you could say we're living through a bit of a turbulent time and hours spent leaning against a tree hearing the birds wake up and seeing the deer Forge for breakfast brings a calm peace and regularity to my day

I'm fortunate that my family does not rely on my lack of hunting skills to stay fed very fortunate that we live in the 21st century and not the 18th century but still the added challenge of trying to take a wild turkey with my flint lock and my 18th century equipment allures me to this day I still think about it what I could do to improve and what it would feel like to take a Tom in full AG 18th century gear maybe next year