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Henry Morrill, Silas Mosman and Charles Blair Boxlock Percussion Cutlass Pistol

Manufactured by Henry Morrill, Silas Mosman and Charles Blair of Amherst, Massachusetts, c. 1837. This unusual weapon combines a boxlock percussion pistol with a Bowie type knife blade. The pistol is smaller than the U.S. Navy Elgin Cutlass Pistol manufactured by C.B. Allen of Springfield, Massachusetts, for the Wilkes South Sea Exploring Expedition but is the same basic design patented by George Elgin (U.S. patent number 254 dated July 5th, 1837).

The 8 3/8 inch Bowie type blade is incorporated into the trigger guard which has the spurred back design. The blade is believed to have been manufactured by the famous cutler N.P. Ames and is decorated with elaborate acid etching and dry needle engraving. The obverse of the blade features an eagle with a ribbon inscribed "LIBERTY" in its beak topped 14 stars and a sunburst and with "Elgin's Patent" etched in a panel below the eagle and floral patterns. The reverse of the blade has similar etched decorations with "Morrill, Mosman/& Blair/Amherst Mass." etched in the central panel. The pistol has simple blade and notch sights. "42" is stamped on the underside of the frame ahead of the trigger. Provenance: The Milan J. Turk Collection