I Love Muzzleloading
Muzzleloading News from around the United States

25th Annual Kentucky Cup Match | July 2025, Morehead Kentucky
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The Classics
There isn’t anything more American than the flintlock Longrifle or a cap lock half stock. Traditional Muzzleloaders may be old, but they are still sharing their stories with enthusiasts of all ages.
The Remixes
Whether for competition or sport, gunsmiths are always pushing the limits. With muzzleloading, they’ve been doing that for 200 years. We have a passion for the “Race Guns” of muzzleloading and will cover modern muzzleloaders often.

And Everything Else
Muzzleloading is about the accoutrements, people, and stories behind them just as much as it is about the muzzleloader. Archiving the people of muzzleloading and the stories they share is at the core of I Love Muzzleloading.