MODERN vs OLD SCHOOL | 100 Yard 50 cal Muzzleloader Bullet Penetration Test & Chronograph Speed Test
Today we're testing the Hornady Bore Driver FTX, Hornady XTP, Hornady Great Plains, T/C Maxi Hunter, Traditions Smackdown Carnivore, a 500 Grain Paper Patched all lead bullet and we're giving the Powerbelt ELR another shot to see if its performance in the last test can be repeated.
Every year as hunting season comes around, facebook groups and forums are swarmed with hunters with their first or a new muzzleloader wanting to find the holy grail of bullets, a bullet that will stop their dream buck in it’s tracks. Everyone has their favorites for their rifles and it’s really hard to tell if a bullet in one person’s muzzleloader will work in yours.
The best thing any of us can do is buy a variety of bullets and spend a few days at the range testing them out, but that can be hard to do, and expensive. Now, you still need to go to the range and sight in your rifle to make sure you are taking the most ethical shot possible, but this new series may help you pick the kind of bullet you’ll like, without breaking the bank.
The bullets being used in this test. All shots are taken with 80 grains of Blackhorn 209 measured by weight
This is my second test of this nature, I had some weather related issues this round which ended up resulting in a 2 part test. Bullets 4-7 were shot on a much colder day (15F) than Bullets 1-3 (30F).
Full disclosure, sent me the Hornady and Traditions Smackdown Bullets to try in this test. I am not being compensated by anyone for this video and the sending in of these bullets does not influence the test.
Test Parameters
The Gear
I’m using my CVA Accura LR V2 with a Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40 scope. The Rifle does have the CVA Blackhorn 209 rated breechplug.
For a charge I’m using 80 grains (measured by weight) of blackhorn 209
My primers are Federal Premium 209 Shotgun Primers - notably not the best for Blackhorn but they have been working for me.
I’m shooting from the bench using a Caldwell shooting rest
The Bullets
Hornady Bore Driver XTP 290 GR
Traditions Smackdown Carnivore 250GR
PowerBelt ELR 330 GR
Hornady XTP 240GR
T/C Maxi Hunter 275GR
Custom Paper Patch 500 Grain Bullets from Lead Hunting Correspondent Rod Scobee
Hornady Great Plains 385 GR
Author at shooting bench
The Targets
To test our bullet penetration, I’ve lined up 15 1 gallon jugs, filled with water at 100 yards. It’s important to note that these targets don’t perfectly replicate or even get close to emulating a deer, elk, hog, bear, or other muzzleloader hunting target, but we do get to see the expansion in a controlled environment.
Bullet 1: Hornady Bore Driver FTX 290 GR
This is a popular bullet right now with many hunters getting tight groups. I found the bullet to be a tight fit in the CVA Accura LR v2 and was accurate in going down range.
The Bore Driver FTX Penetrated 4 one gallon jugs of water.
The Chronograph read 1773 FPS for the Bore Driver FTX
Above you’ll find several stills of the impact, taken at 240 frames per second. Take note of how the jugs behind the penetrated jugs flex and distort with the force.
Hornady Bore Driver FTX Penetration results
Bullet 2: Traditions Smackdown Carnivore 250GR
The Traditions Smackdown Carnivore Penetrated 4 one gallon jugs of water.
The Chronograph read 1938 FPS for the Smackdown Carnivore
Below you’ll find several stills of the impact, taken at 240 frames per second.
Traditions Smackdown Carnivore Results
Bullet 3: Thompson Center Maxi Hunter 275 GR
The Thompson Center Maxi Hunter penetrated 4 one gallon jugs of water.
The Chronograph read 1854 FPS for the Maxi Hunter
Below you’ll find several stills of the impact, taken at 240 frames per second.
Thompson Center Maxi Hunter 275Grain Penetration Test Results
Bullet 4: Rod Scobee’s 500 Grain Paper Patched Bullet
The 500gr Paper Patched Bullet penetrated 9 one gallon jugs of water.
The Chronograph read 1665 FPS
Below you’ll find several stills of the impact, taken at 240 frames per second.
This 500 grain bullet is a bit much for this rifle in my opinion. The rifle can handle it fine, but the recoil can be abusive to the marksman. I found myself resting my face father back on the stock to help with recoil. This large bullet is what I would call a “Hog Stomper”.
Bullet 5: Hornady Great Plains 385 Grain Bullet
Hornady Great Plains 385 Grain Bullet penetrated 3 one gallon jugs of water.
The Chronograph read 933 for this shot, but I believe this was in error due to the sun and shadows from the woods. I’ll be testing this bullet again.
Below you’ll find several stills of the impact, taken at 240 frames per second.
Bullet 6: Hornady XTP 240 Grain Bullet
Hornady STP 250 GR penetrated 4 one gallon jugs of water.
The Chronograph read 933 for this shot, but I believe this was in error due to the sun and shadows from the woods. I’ll be testing this bullet again.
Below you’ll find several stills of the impact, taken at 240 frames per second.
Results for the XTP Bullet - Because we did not recover anything from the first shot due to shooter error, we shot a second bullet. The top is the first shot, the bottom is the second.
Bullet 6: PowerBelt ELR 330 GR
PowerBelt ELR 330 GrainBullet penetrated 5 one gallon jugs of water.
The Chronograph read 2140fps for this shot.
Below you’ll find several stills of the impact, taken at 240 frames per second.
The ELR Bullet had the exact same performance of the last test, penetrating 5 jugs.
Penetration Scoreboard
Hornady Bore Driver XTP 290 GR
4 Jugs
1773 FPS
25.6 GR Recovered Weight
Traditions Smackdown Carnivore 250GR
4 Jugs
1938 FPS
236.8 GR Recovered Weight
PowerBelt ELR 330 GR
4 Jugs
1773 FPS
Recovered Weight
Hornady XTP 240GR
4 Jugs
207.2 GR Recovered Weight
T/C Maxi Hunter 275GR
4 Jugs
1854 FPS
274.1 GR Recovered Weight
Custom Paper Patch 500 Grain Bullets from Rod Scobee
9 Jugs
1665 FPS
445 GR Recovered Weight
Hornady Great Plains 385 GR
3 Jugs
78.9 GR Recovered Weight
I’ll be ordering some more bullets here soon, from some of the smaller manufacturers to test out in this same format. If you have any ideas, tips, or critiques about this test feel free to let me know via email. I’m happy to learn and do better with the next video.