Carving my First Longrifle | Beginner Flintlock Carving | Let's Build a Kibler Woodsrunner
In this video, we go from start to finish on all the major carvings laid out in the last video. I'm a total beginner at stock carving, so this is less of a "how to" and more of a "this is how I did it" as a newbie.
I go over the carving tools I use, as well as the steps and processes I used to go from the simple moulding line carving to the complex scroll carving muzzleloaders are known for.
The Carving Knife I use in this video;
Timestamps are included for you to jump around as you need!
The "Man" doesn't want you to see muzzleloader building. This video was made possible by our channel members, thank you!

Woodsrunner Carving Tools
I like to carve or “whittle” as some might call it, so while carving a longrifle is a totally different school than I’m used to, I do have some tools that should do the job. The tools are made up of 3 groups, chisels, scrapers, and miscellaneous.
These chisels are all Swiss/Pfiel brand chisels, buy once and you cry once.
#1 palm skew
#12 palm V
5/5 gouge
6/12 gouge
0/4 gouge
1S/8 Skew
Fullsize V
3 non descript stock scrapers, a wide flat, a narrow flat, and a round
Square cabinet scraper
Frech Curve cabinet scraper, marked “Clifton”
Single line checkering tool
Yazel Carving knife. My father makes this knife (Below) by modifying a MORA brand blade and making a custom “carving” focused handle for it. This is the knife I carve 95% of my figures with. I ended up using it a lot in this build because I’m used to using it. I could grab this knife and work almost without thinking about how to approach it because it’s so common to my hand.
00:20 Carving Tools I use
1:35 Cheek Piece moulding
6:05 Toe Moulding
11:27 Patchbox Thumb Catch
14:15 Toe Moulding Continued
28:34 Tang Carving
01:05:31 Entry Pipe Carving
01:10:47 The Main Attraction
02:09:28 Final Carving