Indiana DNR Proposes Adding .40 Caliber Muzzleloaders to Muzzleloader Season
Indiana’s muzzleloading deer season might see an additional caliber class allowed in coming seasons. 312 IAC 9-3-3 seeks to add .40 caliber muzzleloaders to the permitted caliber list for the muzzleloading season.
“312 IAC 9-3-3: Allowing .40 caliber muzzleloaders during muzzleloader season
The DNR proposes allowing the use of a .40 caliber muzzleloader, which will allow more individuals to use equipment they currently use to hunt a deer. The deer program has received requests from hunters for this change. The DNR examined the muzzle velocity and energy and found than an example of a .40 caliber muzzleloader (CVA Paramount HTR) loaded to the recommended powder specifications with a 225 grain bullet is capable of a muzzle velocity of greater than 2,600 ft. per second with an energy of greater than 3,500 ft. lbs. At 200 yards, the velocity is still greater than 2,200 ft. per second with approximately 2,300 ft. lbs. of kinetic energy remaining. This is more than enough velocity and energy to kill a deer effectively at over 200 yards with an expanding bullet.”
The DNR does not say what brand of bullet they used in their testing, or ‘examination’, but the stated weight used in their example does match the weight of the Powerbelt ELR in .40 caliber. The Powerbelt ELR is the recommended bullet for the Paramount HTR Series.
It’s worth noting with this explanation that the DNR doesn’t mention anything about this change being limited to ONLY modern muzzleloaders. The way this reads to us, a traditional muzzleloader in .40 caliber would also be permitted under this proposed rule change. Several other states have a .40 caliber lower limit for their muzzleloader season, Indiana would not be the first to make this change if it goes through.
It would be interesting to compare the ballistics of a modern .40 projectile to the ballistics of a .40 caliber roundball, perhaps we can do that this year.