Kentucky Corps of Longriflemen requests dedicated Flintlock Hunting Season in Kentucky

As interest in muzzleloading grows here in the states and around the world, the Kentucky Corps of Longriflemen are making an effort to bring a long coveted “Flintlock Only” Hunting season to the great state of Kentucky.

On Nov. 6, 2021, Kentucky State Representative Matt Koch visited the Corps Fall Rendezvous and discussed the possibility of a State-wide Deer Season for Flintlock rifles with Corps members. Rep. Koch was presented with a Proclamation by Corps President Carl King expressing support for a Flintlock only deer season.

On Nov. 9, 2021, Rep. Koch (right) presented the Corps Proclamation supporting a Flintlock only deer season to Kentucky Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Rich Storm (left).

The letter states:

To all whom these presents shall come:

Wheras, in the easliest days of it’s civilization Kentucky looked to that distinctive and uniquely accurate weapon, the Kentucky Longrifle, for Protection and Provender; and

Whereas, Kentucky’s citizens have for generations past numbered among their nobel members, men who were expert in hunting and Longrifle shooting; and

Whereas, the Honourable Governor Edward T. “Ned” Breathitt established the Kentucky Corps of Longriflemen by Proclamation in 1963, to honor such practitioners of the skill of Longrifle hunting and shooting;

Now, Therefore, I, Carl L. King, President of the Kentucky Corpse of Longriflemen, do proclaim the support of the Corps 430+ members for the establishment of an annual whitetail deer hunting season for Flintlock Longrifles only in the commonwealth of Kentucky.

Signed Carl L King, President and Ron Winfield, Secretary

Not so long ago, whitetail deer were few and far between in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois. In the mid 20th century, state game boards offered muzzleloader only hunts to a select few at the onset of the reintroduction of whitetail deer in the region. Many muzzleloading enthusiasts support these more “traditional” muzzleloading seasons as a return to the way our ancestors hunted several before and after the American Revolutionary War.

My grandfather was among one of the first to be drawn for a whitetail tag here in Indiana, he hunted with a muzzleloader that year. I hope to see Kentucky and more states of the Union adopt these flintlock only seasons to further promote passion for our Nation’s great history.


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