Let’s Build a Kibler Woodsrunner Part 6 | Finishing Techniques

In this video, we finish our Kibler Woodsrunner kit. Overall I had around 80 hours in this build. I started in March and finished in August. You could finish yours much faster if you wanted to, but I went at my own pace and learned a lot.

This video covers cosmetic details like wood stain and metal finish.

Youtube has become increasingly hostile to gun-related videos, unfortunately, this includes muzzleloaders. I expect at some point these videos will be unavailable on Youtube. If that does happen I have several options set up as a backup.

The first is Playeur, formally Utreon. I Love Muzzleloading can be found there. Playeur is a more muzzleloader-friendly platform, but even they restrict muzzleloader-building-related videos.

I Love Muzzleloading is also on Rumble, but the platform isn’t ideal either.

The third backup I’ve made is Gumroad. Gumroad is historically -hands off- when it comes to content moderation, making it an ideal candidate for this kind of video series. Gumroad allows video streaming or downloading and they do not run ads on content. To offset the lack of ads, I have priced the entire series, several hours of video for just $2. This money goes towards supporting the website costs and funding supplies for future videos.

My hope is to continue to be on Youtube to pursue my mission of promoting muzzleloading, I think the types of videos may have to change to keep that going. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have already limited my reach to potential enthusiasts just because I post muzzleloading arms. I’ll continue to spread the word as long as I’m able!

My Next Build

I’ve got a Chamber’s New England Fowler up next. This kit will be a build for me. I’m very excited to start it and hope to have it done for Turkey season in 2025.

Thanks as always for reading, watching, and loving muzzleloading.


CNDA/MLAIC Update | August 27, 2024


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