Muzzleloader Builders’ Supply Releases Catalog 21

In an age of digital catalogs, Muzzleloader Builders’ Supply continues the tradition of a physical, hands on catalog for a variety of muzzleloading kits and parts. Muzzleloading enthusiasts all over the world enjoy the sport because it is more hands on than any other shooting sport ever invented. That desire for hands on fun translates to a desire for hands on knowledge and shopping. Much like our forefathers and the muzzleloading gun builders of the old days, seeing and feeling is believing.

That’s why it’s great to see companies like Muzzleloader Builders’ Supply continue to publish a catalog of their products for shoppers to browse. You can order your copy directly for $12 + $5 or $8 shipping depending on how fast you want your catalog.

Catalog #21 currently available. You can call us in afternoons and give us your card information over the phone or you can order from our secure website. The catalog itself is $12 with media mail shipping at $5 and priority shipping at $8. For totals of either $17 or $20. On the opening page there will be a heading that you can click on that says 'Order our catalog' and it will walk you through.


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