Muzzleloading News of the Week August 30, 2021
Autumn has brought some changes to the muzzleloading community, so lets dive in and see what’s happening.
First up, shooters all over the country have been reporting that Blackhorn 209 is back in stock at their local Walmart and big box outdoor retailers. Some mom and pop shops have received shipments as well, so check out those small businesses and support them! Stock does seem to be limited though, so stock up but leave some for the next muzzleloading enthusiast.
There are a couple things to note about the new cans. First being the black cap, the second being the Hodgdon Powders logo on the side. If you are buying Blackhorn with a red cap, that is last year’s stock. As of reporting, there has been no known change in the mixture between black capped and red capped Blackhorn 209 cans.
In terms of other supplies, a friendly distribution center employee has been giving us some insights into what products are on their way. Looks like bullets and powder are on their way to store around the country, all be it slower than anticipated.
Late last week Darren Binder of released a reel detailing some exciting news from Remington Arms. Round Hill Capital, who purchased the firearms manufacturing portion of Remington late last year has stated the intend to continue production of the Remington Ultimate Muzzleloader.
This is some great news for modern muzzleloading enthusiasts everywhere and could be a win for us all. Remington has some big shoes to fill in muzzleloading, the UML hasn’t seen much innovation in years and the current “300 Yard” range isn’t going to be enough to make shooters give up their newer Traditions, CVA, or Knight Muzzleloaders for hunting season.
If Remington can reenter the muzzleloading space with some support from their deep pockets, we could see the reignition of the “inline wars”, spurring several years of innovation and competition among the manufacturers.
In closing, I want to highlight a few event flyers I’ve seen online for some autumn living history/muzzleloading events. Events like these are supported by local muzzleloading enthusiasts and are a great place to learn about all things muzzleloading and living history.
Want your flyer on our website?
Simply email ILoveMuzzleloading(at) and we’ll get it posted at no charge.