CLA Seeking Writers for Artist Articles | Muzzle Blasts Magazine
Photo by David Wright
Muzzle Blasts has generously agreed to run 4 articles a year on CLA artists (and NMLRA members as well). So far we have run five articles and have several more good artists lined up and already photographed by talented CLA photographers, Ric Lambert and Ruth Weese.
CLA member Andrew Scott Wills (Hawken Horse – check him out) has been our writer but his successful song writing and singing career is blooming and will prevent him from continuing to draft any more articles for us. So, we are looking for a writer(s) to continue our quest. If you are interested in writing about CLA artists, let me or Paul Fennewald know by contacting us at the following emails. We're ready go on the next artist - knife maker Todd Butler. Looking forward to hearing from you.