Team USA Takes Mid Range, Long Range, Overall at MLAIC World Championship
In a photo shared to the Long Range Target Shooting with the Black Powder Rifle Facebook group, we got a look at the scores for the 2023 MLAIC Long Range World Championships, where Team USA came out on top!
Above: A screen captures from the 1st place ranking as of 9/6/23
In the 1000 yard team match, Team USA scored 204,8 to beat out 7 other teams including Switzerland (156, 7), South Africa (153, 1), Norway (137, 2), Germany (136, 3), France (101, 4), Austria (69, 2), and Hungary(66, 1). You can find the rest of the scores here.
Facebook User Corena De Beer has shared a lovely photo album of the event here.
A friend of I Love Muzzleloading, Eddie Davenport, is preparing to compete in the prestigious MLAIC World Championship in Italy in 2024 to compete in the non-long range matches. If you are interested in supporting a member of Team USA in his endeavor, please click here.