Percussion Caps and Muzzleloading Supplies Hitting Store Shelves as Hunting Seasons Loom
August is a big month for muzzleloading supplies, but September looks to dwarf it in 2024. We’re barely two weeks into the month and everyone seems to be pumping muzzleloading supplies into the marketplace. From caps to bullets, balls, primers, and muzzleloaders, everyone is pushing muzzleloading products for the upcoming seasons. Just this week, 6 online retailers sent out newsletter announcements about muzzleloading supplies being in stock and ready to ship.
Percussion caps are the big (little) item on everyone’s mind, as production continues to not meet demand, enthusiasts struggle to source enough caps. In 2024, like in the past 5 years, we are seeing the distribution of percussion caps increase in the autumn months, aligning with fall hunting season product distribution. If the last few years are any indication, you need to stock up now, because once the caps are gone, they are gone. It’s rare for us to see US-made caps hit store shelves outside of the August-November hunting window, so consider how much you want to shoot through the year, stock up, and try to leave some for the next guy.
Import caps manufactured by RWS and brought into the US by Schuetzen Energetics in Texas, have arrived during the off-season and been offered for sale by online and local retailers, but in a statement made in a muzzleloading Facebook group, Schuetzen Energetics doesn’t have a timeline for their next shipment of RWS caps. While not great news, it sure beats the long drought from 2020-2023 where we saw almost no RWS caps. The RWS caps are still available in several online stores and should fit your #11 nipples.
Powder and pellets are in good supply across the country, we’ve not heard much from GOEX this year, but supplies seem to be holding at distributors. Schuetzen black powder is always available right now. Blackhorn 209 is back in stock, again a seasonal release, but the retail price is coasting at $89.99, a price too steep for many of us, myself included. Once my current supply is burnt in bullet tests, I won’t be buying more.
In conclusion, a similar report this year to last year, and the year before. Supplies are arriving, but can still be difficult to find. Shopping online is usually easier, but make sure you aren’t getting scammed. Shop from reputable retailers, and if the deal is too good to be true, it probably is.