Schuetzen Blackpowder Answers Questions for the 2022 Hunting Season
I had the opportunity to talk with Tambi Dudley, a representative for Schuetzen Energetics, this week to catch up and get answers to some of your questions about the availability of Schuetzen Blackpowder for the rest of the year.
Heading into hunting seasons around the US, it sounds like more European blackpowder will be available in the coming weeks from Schuetzen distributors around the country.

Schuetzen Blackpowder being used at the 2022 NMLRA National Championship
Has Schuetzen seen a steady demand for powder since the last delivery in May? Or has demand been semi-filled from the summer?
Tambi: It has been a steady stream. Although we are seeing a bit of “leftovers” in our magazines currently. I do think that this will be a steady stream until things completely settle down. We still have lots of powder going out.
Are you personally excited about the transition from competition muzzleloading to hunting this time of year?
Tambi: I personally shoot competition all the way up to hunting season. I am looking forward to hunting season, to be honest. I will shoot black powder and modern for the hunting season.
When can shooters expect more Schuetzen and Swiss Blackpowder to arrive in the US?
Tambi: We do have powder coming in every quarter of the year. I don’t expect that to change very much going into next year.
Do you foresee the ongoing conflict and rising economic issues in Europe disrupting any future deliveries?
Tambi: I would certainly hope not. Our powder factories have completely stepped up to the challenge of making sure that we are covered in powder. I love that we have been so busy this year, and hope that it will continue. We have picked up a couple of new distributors and they have said that they will continue to supply Schuetzen and Swiss powders. That’s certainly a great thing!
We hope that shooters have had really good results with the Schuetzen powder in their shooting. I have heard nothing but good things out in the field, and some people have called our office with questions, but we have heard nothing but good. Our company has stepped up to the challenge and knocked it out of the park, so to speak, to keep everyone shooting!
I’d like to thank Tambi for her time in answering these questions from me and from you. The availability of blackpowder is important to our sport. I know I’ve been shooting and loving Schuetzen & Swiss Blackpowder this summer. After attending the NMLRA National Championship this past week, many many other shooters are enjoying it as well. I encourage you to order a few pounds if you are looking for powder. You won’t be disappointed and you’ll be able to shoot, which is half the fun.