GOEX Production Delayed, Swiss and Schuetzen see Price Increase | Muzzleloading News
Today we've got some black powder news.
First up fans of GOEX aren't going to be excited, it looks like according to the Maine Powder House, the production date has been pushed back again for GOEX black powder coming out of the Minden Louisiana plant. Now I understand that by the time you see this video, you've probably already heard the news but the Maine Powder House sent out an email this past weekend about some of the black powder updates that they are seeing as we go into the summer competition and the fall hunting seasons.

According to the email, GOEX dealers were informed of the new projected production date being the end of June 2023. If they (GOEX) are able to make this happen they (GOEX) will not begin shipping product out to dealers until August at the earliest. GOEX has also informed us (Maine Powder House and the other GOEX Distributors) that prices will be going up but they have not yet distributed a new price list.
Prices going up aren't exclusive to GOEX, the Maine Powder House also said that they got a new container of Schuetzen and Swiss Powder from Europe and unannounced to them and it seems, the price for the powder has gone up 17% for Schuetzen and then 22% for Swiss. That's also some big news here.
A lot of people I talk to got into muzzleloading because it was fun and it was a little cost effective compared to a lot of modern shooting and now we're not seeing that, we're seeing prices tick up to a point where people are beginning to prioritize their modern center fire shooting out of necessity for hunting and competition because those are the things that they have and can get supplies for.
Prices listed on the Maine Powder House website as of May 20th do not reflect the 17 percent increase for Schuetzen and the 22 percent increase for Swiss Powder. Maine Powder House says their current inventory on black powder is very low and that they're going to be working on a new order for Schuetzen and Swiss very soon.
I don't know what this means as far as the amount of powder coming into the United States here if it is lower than it was or if this demand has been so high that they are depleting orders and inventory faster.
I hope that you continue to enjoy your Muzzleloader even if it's just a few shots a month you don't have to burn an entire pound of powder a year to be a part of this community and enjoy your Muzzleloader, so please don't hear this news and then just quit with your Muzzleloader, please hold on to that history hold on to what you enjoy about it. This it's a classic American sport that's been through a lot more than this and I expect it to continue to be carried on through future generations.
This piece of information this news came via the Maine Powder House email newsletter but then also a friend of the program Russ W out of the great state of Pennsylvania, so thank you Russ.
If you have any news or leads on muzzleloading stories you can shoot me an email at ilovemuzloading (AT) gmail.com and I'll try to get it turned around and out and verified so that more people can know and understand what's going on.