Schuetzen Blackpowder Back in Stock at POWDER VALLEY
The Spring powder restock is here for fans of Schuetzen Blackpowder. The popular German powder brand has his distributors this week. I recieved an email from Powder Valley that Schuetzen is back in stock and available for purchase.
This shipment lines up with shipments from years’ past, and keeps the mid-spring distribution schedule on track. You can expect powder from this shipment to arrive at distributors across the country shortly, if not already. Competitive shooters in the NMLRA and N-SSA will find powder from this shipment available at their large events in the coming weeks.
Schuetzen Blackpowder, distributed by Schuetzen Energetics in Texas, has been and should be praised for keeping up with powder demands after the GOEX shutdown in 2021. As a fan of Schuetzen Powder, I’m happy to see it restocked in a timely manner for enthusiasts to enjoy their muzzleloaders this spring.
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